Set Up IP-Verified Subscriptions

If your library has IP-verified database subscriptions, which use verified IP addresses to access the database information, your network administrator must download the One Search host script and configure your web server to access this file.

Download the Host Script

Have your network administrator (or the person in charge of your computer network) access the One Search host script through Destiny Help and provide you with the complete path to the FSCPROXY.PL file. You will need to enter this in Destiny when setting up IP-verified subscriptions.

The only difference in patron use of IP-verified database subscriptions and other One Search databases is that while students with a Destiny login can search One Search databases from home, they cannot click a search result in an IP-verified subscription to view it as they can in other subscription databases. Instead, students must save the search results to a Resource List to view later at school.

Configure a Web Server for IP-Verified Subscriptions

To authenticate your site’s subscription to IP-verified subscription databases, you need one or more of the following:

  • Username and password
  • Database IP address. In addition, the server on which you install this proxy must connect to the internet through an IP address that has been verified with the subscription service.
  • Custom URL of the database
Important: You can get this information from each database provider. Follett School Solutions, Inc. does not have access to this information.

You should also have the complete path to the FSCPROXY.PL file. Your network administrator should have provided this information after downloading the One Search host script and configuring your web server to access this file.

If you are setting up the FSCPROXY.PL host script to tunnel information through a proxy server, you need to edit the FSCPROXY.PL file once you download it.

Edit the FSCPROXY.PL File Once Downloaded

  1. Make sure Perl is configured on your web server. Perl is a free, cross-platform web server language that you can download from numerous websites, including
  2. Download the zipped file.
    • If you are using the Apache server, place the file in your \cgi-bin directory in \WWW root on the web server with Execute permissions.
    • If you are using IIS, place it in the \Inetpub\Scripts folder on the web server with Execute permissions.
  3. Open the file in a text editor, such as Notepad or ConTEXT.
  4. Enter the IP address of your proxy server by replacing the line:

    my $proxy_path;


    my $proxy_path="";

    and replacing


    your proxy server IP address.

    Important: Quotation marks are required around the IP address.
  1. Enter the port on which your proxy server is listening by replacing the line:

    my $proxy_port;


    my $proxy_port="8080";

    and entering the correct port number instead of 8080.

    Important: Quotation marks are required around the port number.
  2. Save and close the file.
  3. Provide site or library administrators with the complete path to the file. They must enter this path when setting up Destiny to access IP-verified subscriptions.
Note: All patron search requests are handled through, regardless of IP authentication settings. If IP authentication is enabled for a database, calls the One Search IP Authentication Host Script (, which in turn will contact the selected subscription databases.
Important: At a minimum, the web server hosting the script must allow outgoing HTTP connections to all supported subscription databases. Library patrons and outsiders do not need direct access to the machine hosting the script.

Follett recommends that you configure the web server to deny access to the script from all machines except

Enter the Host Script Path in Destiny

  1. Log in as an Administrator.
  2. Select Catalog > Search Setup > Enriched Content Searches sub-tab.
  3. Next to IP Verified Subscriptions, click Edit.
  4. In the host path field, type FSCPROXY.PLhost.
  5. Click Test.
  6. Click Save.